Presentations List

  • Upcoming: IEEE World Technology Summit on AI Infrastructure, Nov. 12-14, 2024 at the San Jose Convention Center.

    A lot of conferences are about the What of AI. This one is about the How – that is, the underlying infrastructure needed to support AI. This means the silicon, systems, and applications, plus security, standards and laws to provide the framework for success. I am moderating the session on Security & Standards & Laws.

    See the website for program details and reduced rate registration open now. 

  • June 13, 2023: presented Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems with Critical Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) presentation by Mario Garcia of US Dept. of Homeland Security at IEEE Consultants’ Network of Silicon Valley (CNSV).
  • September 8-11, 2022: IEEE Global Humanitarian Conference (GHTC) at Santa Clara University. On behalf of the IEEE Consultants’ Network of Silicon Valley (CNSV), coordinated arrangements for the IEEE MOVE Outreach truck to be onsite for the conference and for a Workshop, a Keynote, and sessions including:
    • Friday, September 9th, 2022  Introducing the West Coast IEEE MOVE Truck — Keynote and Demonstration. Tim Lee, IEEE Region 6 Director. MOVE Community Outreach, an IEEE-USA Initiative, is an emergency relief program committed to assisting victims of natural disasters with short-term communications, computer, and power solutions. These temporary emergency relief provisions help those affected stay connected and make sure they can access the help they need. Services include phone charging, internet & communications support, and lighting to disaster victims.
  • August 10, 2021: HIMSS21 (Health Information Management Systems Society) conference in Las Vegas. Presented Cybersecurity in a Complex Healthcare Ecosystem with Mitch Parker of Indiana University Health. Managing cybersecurity risk for supply chains with multiple vendors is complicated. Each vendor is clearly responsible for its own system, but who minds the overall end-to-end concerns? These concerns affect both products, such as medical devices, and services, such as telehealth platforms. Special attention was given to hospitals and remote patient monitoring.
  • May 19, 2021: Medical Device Software Development Summit – Remote Patient Monitoring Ecosystem Security. Discussed RPM as a system of systems, understanding supply chain risk, and making sure RPM ecosystem partners are secure. (Also see paper at
  • December 8, 2020: (ISC)² Silicon Valley Chapter webinar – Cybersecurity and COVID-19 Vaccines. Discussed the attack surface of the overall vaccine development and delivery system and some of the news items that have appeared on the subject of cybersecurity relative to these efforts. Topics addressed included intellectual property, manufacturing systems, and supply chains. Explained Industrial Control Systems cybersecurity concerns in manufacturing. Noted the potential for misinformation and disinformation that could discourage people from being vaccinated. Slides available at
  • May 12, 2020: HIMSS ePatient 2020 Webinar – Cybersecurity & the Future of Remote Patient Monitoring. An updated and shorter online version of my well-received December conference workshop.  Factors driving increased adoption of RPM. RPM as a “system of systems” requiring coordination among stakeholders. Cybersecurity best practices. A version of the slides is posted at Video at
  • December 10, 2019: Cybersecurity and the Future of Remote Patient Monitoring workshop conducted at the Second Connected Medical Devices Cybersecurity Summit in San Francisco. See
    • Several trends are driving increased interest and adoption for using network-connected medical devices outside the clinical environment to diagnose, monitor, and treat patients.Healthcare delivery organizations need guidance on how to set up and support users who may not know how to make sure their home networks and mobile phones are secure and to make sure network-connected medical devices outside the clinical environment are
      • integrated and installed securely
      • maintained securely with updates and patches
      • monitored for indications of abnormal behavior that may indicate device failure or compromiseThis workshop explored similarities and differences between network-connected medical devices in clinical settings versus residential environments, relative cybersecurity challenges, and best practices throughout the lifecycle of remote devices.
  • August 27, 2019: Make Sure You Know How to Swim (Hack) Before You Dive into the Medical Device Cybersecurity Sea presented at Bay Area MedTech – Medical Technologies Group in San Francisco.
    • Building a device that will connect to the Internet without addressing cybersecurity is like swimming in the deep end without ever having taken swimming lessons.
    • “Somebody Else’s Problem”, an effectively-magical field that obscures things you think aren’t relevant to you, such that even though you see them (or hear them or read them) you don’t actually *notice*, and quickly forget. (Douglas Adams)
    • The FDA is “not aware” of any instances where a patient has been harmed due to a cybersecurity incident.
    • “To work in this field, you have to become devious yourself. You have to think like a malicious attacker to find weaknesses in your own work…” (Ferguson, Schneier, & Kohno, 2010)
    • Include Security in the Design Stage
      • “Minimum Viable Product”
        ☛ a network-connected product is not viable if it is not secure
    • “Hippocratic Oath for Connected Medical Devices”
    • Defcon27 – Las Vegas, NV – Aug 8-11, 2019 – Biohacking Village
    • The Future: Remote Monitoring
  • On December 11, 2018, David led the INTERACTIVE WORKSHOP: Cybersecurity For Medical Devices Is A “Team Sport” at the Connected Devices: Cybersecurity & Compliance Summit in San Francisco at the Kabuki Hotel. See This interactive workshop focused on how device developers can collaborate with hospitals and clinics. This interactive  session was conducted by a team with diverse backgrounds, including a hospital CIO, a clinical engineer, a hospital information security officer, and two neutral cybersecurity consultants to facilitate and moderate.
    • Key points:
      • medical device manufacturers need to work with healthcare delivery organizations as partners
      • medical devices can be not only targets of attacks, but entry points for attacks on the network
      • the network-connected medical device ecosystem includes more than 20 entities inside and outside of healthcare delivery organizations
      • recognize that when these entities start to work together as groups, they go through the forming, storming, norming, and performing stages
      • defending network-connected medical devices requires thinking like an attacker
      • train health care providers to recognize device behavior that could indicate compromise
      • monitor network traffic to detect anomalous behaviors
      • include cybersecurity in pre-procurement screening
      • practice incident response to be ready in case something happens
  • The Silicon Valley Chinese Technology & Business Association organized its 2018 Tech Smart City Conference: AI, Data Science, Blockchain, Smart Manufacturing, May 11, 2018 at the San Jose City Hall and I was on the Blockchain Use Cases For Smart City Security panel. See
  • Attended 44th Annual Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop, April 25-27, 2018 and gave a presentation on Network-Connected Medical Devices: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? It is a great group with an eclectic range of interests. See
  • Moderated the  Security for Network-Connected Medical Devices panel as part of the Symposium on Securing The Internet of Things ( on March 7, 2018 in Burlingame, CA. 
  • Network-Connected Medical Devices: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? was very well received by a standing room only audience at Triple Ring Technologies’ MedTech Frontiers event on March 1, 2018 in Newark, CA. See
  • Blockchain and IoT presented at the Silicon Valley Insurance Accelerator Blockchain Bootcamp in Palo Alto on December 6, 2017.  See
  • Blockchain and IoT webinar at the free online Global IoT DevFest Virtual Conference on November 8, 2017. See
    [link to video]
  • Blockchain and its applications in IoT – plenary session talk at the 38th IEEE Sarnoff Symposium at the New Jersey Institute of Technology on September 18, 2017. See To request slides, please use Contact Form on this web site.
  • Blockchain and the Internet of Things: Professional and Technical Consultants Association –  June 13, 2017 – a presentation explaining how Blockchain technology works and how it is being adopted for a variety of IoT use cases.  See
  • What You Need to Know About Blockchain for the Internet of Things: Consultants Network of Silicon Valley IEEE Chapter – January 10, 2017 – with Dr. Ryan Orr and Maurizio Greco of Chronicled, Inc. and Zaki Manian of Skuchain – Details at – Presentations available for download.
  • Webinar for Project Management World: “Project Management for Blockchain”, June 8, 2017 – Tim Christensen of Data Chain Solutions, formerly CEO, blockchain software development company, HyperFlow Software, and Timothy Ruff, CEO of Evernym were panelists.
    The webinar provided both an overview of blockchain technology and a deeper dive on some applications, including perspectives on managing blockchain projects. Webcast recording at WEBCAST
  • “Workshop on Blockchain” session moderated at at Open Innovation Club at PRIME and French Tech Hub office, November 2, 2016.
  • BLOCKCHAIN SYMPOSIUM– IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT BITCOIN AND FINANCE: Opportunities for the Internet of Things, Healthcare, and More – June 9, 2016 – Redwood City CA – Conceived and produced half-day meeting with 10 panelists and more than 70 attendees.
  • Moving the Internet of Things & Machine-to-Machine Communication into the Home & Hospital” session moderated at Wireless Medical Devices Conference – December 4, 2014 – McEnery Convention Center, San Jose CA –
  • Mobile and Remote Monitoring for Disease Management session moderated at “Northern California Chapter of HIMSS Healthcare Technology Innovation Showcase – March 31, 2015 – San Jose, CA
  • “Technology Innovations & Physician Entrepreneurs Panel” session moderated at Northern California HIMSS Innovation & Technology Summit – January 16, 2014 – Citrix, 4988 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA. Click here for details.
  • “Using Smartphones to Increase Security” session moderated at Amphion Forum – December 12-13, 2013 – Grand Hyatt San Francisco 345 Stockton St., San Francisco, CA
  • “An Inside Look at Interoperability in the Hospital Ecosystem: Hospital IT, Infrastructure Provider, and Wireless Utility Perspectives Unveiled” session moderated at  Wireless Medical Devices West – December 3-5, 2013 – McEnery Convention Center, San Jose Click here for presentation, including document references.
  • Global Mobile Internet Conference Mobile Health Track – October 23, 2013, Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA (conceived and produced full-day session comprised of four panels with 17 panelists and over 170 attendees)

Other Presentations and Publications:

  • “What Do The Numbers Mean” – presented at Healthcare Unbound – July 12, 2013 – University of Colorado, Denver CO
  • “Healthcare Information Technology & Poverty” – presented at Social Innovation Leadership Forum – April 5, 2013, Santa Clara County Office, San Jose, CA

Organizer of the SVForum Healthcare IT Special Interest Group Series (2011 – 2014):

  • Sensors, Wearables, and Interoperability – September 17, 2014 References and slides at
  • Avoiding Medical Device Security Failures – May 13, 2014 (includes links to several references)
  • How Startups Can Demonstrate Value in “Evidence-Based-Medicine” – April 8, 2014 See references at
  • Where is Healthcare Info Tech Headed Relative to Your Business? – January 14, 2014 Slides are at
  • Hospital and Physician Office Work Flows Relative to Healthcare IT – November 12, 2013
  • Healthcare Technology for the Aging Population – September 10, 2013
  • Modifications to the HIPAA Privacy, Security, Enforcement, and Breach Notification Rules – July 9, 2013
  • How to Meet Healthcare IT Staffing Needs – May 14, 2013
  • Mobile Health (with Mobile Internet SIG) – April 4, 2013
  • Moving from Volume-Based Care to Value-Based Care – March 12, 2013
  • Emergency Medicine Information Management – February 2013
  • Remote Monitoring and the Patient-Centered Medical Home – November 2012
  • Social and Mobile Innovations in Health – September 2012
  • Insights on Investing in Healthcare Technology – July 2012
  • Medical User Interfaces – March 2012
  • Connected Health Safety – Jan 2012
  • Mobile Health – Aug 2011